We have moved on to our spelling words! However, please continue to have your child
practice their phonograms. As you are reading at night, passing signs while driving, etc,
please help your student recognize, point out, and name the phonograms they see.
Homework should not take more than 15 minutes per evening. Each new word is to be written 3 times at home. There should be between 4 and 6 new
words a day. Your student should be speaking the phonograms out loud each time the word
is written. When the ear hears the phonograms, the information becomes permanent much
faster! Missed words from our daily spelling tests will be marked with a check mark
(for incorrect spelling) or a "m" (for incorrect markings) in their Riggs notebook.
These words need to be written 3 times each below their new words. The check mark or "m"
may be erased once they have written the word correctly on their homework.
Non-Riggs HomeworkAny time your child is writing and they ask for help with spelling PLEASE USE
PHONOGRAMS! Even if you do not have the phonograms memorized, the "Spelling
Dialogue" that we use can help your child analyze the word they want to spell. It goes like
I know that it is quicker and easier to "just give a child the answer", but helping your student
to internalize this dialogue is building lifelong skills for analyzing unknown words and looking
at spelling patterns. It takes spelling away from straight memorization and puts the emphasis
on the thought process. As our words get more complex, students who do not rely simply
on memorization will be much more successful spellers.
Thank you for all you do to support your child. If you ever have questions about the
homework, or Riggs, please let me know!
Ms. Kelsey Stacy |